
Loan Rates

Members should call the credit union for Loan rates.
Loans rates may be matched to meet competition after review and proper documentation by loan officer or board of directors.


Rates as of 2/01/19.
Rate Description Term Dividend Rates APY
Minimum Deposit $1,000 6 Months .20% .20%
Minimum Deposit $1,000 12 Months .20% .20%
Minimum Deposit $1,000 18 Months .20% .20%
Minimum Deposit $1,000 24 Months .20% .20%
Minimum Deposit $1,000 30 Months .20% .20%
Minimum Deposit $1,000 36 Months .20% .20%
Minimum Deposit $10,000+ 48 Months .40% .40%
Minimum Deposit $10,000+ 60 Months .40% .40%

NOTE: Early withdrawal from certificates will be subject to a 90 day dividend penalty.

Members should call the credit union to verify rates.

Contact your credit union to find out if there are any fees on these accounts that could reduce your earnings.

Savings/Shares Rates

Rates as of 2/01/19.
Rate Description Term Dividend Rates APY
Minimum Deposit * $25.99 - $999.99 .05% .05%
Minimum Deposit * $1,000- $9,999.99 .05% .05%
Minimum Deposit * $10,000- $19,999.99 .10% .10%
Minimum Deposit $20,000.00 -$29,999.99 .12% .12%
Minimum Deposit $30,000.00 - $9,999,999.000 .12% .12%

Members should call the credit union to verify rates.

Contact your credit union to find out if there are any fees on these accounts that could reduce your earnings.

Money Market Savings Rates

Rates as of 2/01/19.
Share Balance Balance To APY
$2,500 $99,999.99 .10%

Members should call the credit union to verify rates.
Contact your credit union to find out if there are any fees on these accounts that could reduce your earnings.

APY = Annual Percentage Yield.
APR = Annual Percentage Rate.

***Rates & terms subject to change without notice
***Each member’s savings are insured to the full legal limit by the NCUSIF