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Members Right to Privacy

The Board of Directors of New Pilgrim Federal Credit Union has adopted the following privacy policy to protect the security, integrity and confidentiality of your personal financial information. The credit union has a strong “privacy” history that has worked well and regulates the reporting of information regarding consumer-reporting agencies as required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
New Pilgrim Federal Credit Union (NPFCU) your member owned financial institution is committed to providing you with competitive products and services to meet your financial needs and help you reach your goals. We are equally committed to protecting the privacy of our members. Under federal law, we are required to give you this privacy notice. It describes our credit union's privacy policy and practices concerning the personal information we collect and disclose about our members. It also includes information about the parties who receive personal and sometimes nonpublic information from us as we conduct the business of the credit union.

If after reading this notice you have any questions, please contact us at:


or write to:
Supervisory Committee
New Pilgrim FCU
P O Box 19386
Birmingham, AL 35219

Information We Collect About You.

We collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources:

  • Information we receive from you on applications and other forms.
  • Information about your transactions.
  • Information we receive from a consumer reporting agency.

We may disclose all of the information we collect, as described above, as permitted by law.

Parties Who Receive Information From Us.

We may disclose nonpublic information about you to the following types of third parties:

• Financial service providers, such as credit bureaus

• Non-Financial companies, such as a consumer reporting agencies, data processors, check/share draft printers, and plastic card processors.

Disclosure of Information to Parties that Provide Services to us.

In order for us to conduct the business of the credit union, we may disclose all of the information we collect, as described above, to companies that perform marketing or other services on our behalf or to other financial institutions with whom we have joint marketing agreements so that we may provide members competitive products and services. We may also disclose non-public personal information about you under circumstances as permitted or required by law. These disclosures typically include information to process transactions on your behalf, conduct the operations of our credit union, follow your instructions as you authorize, or protect the security of our financial records.

To protect our members' privacy, we only work with companies that agree to maintain strong confidentiality protections and limit the use of information we provide. We do not permit these companies to sell the information we provide to other third parties.

A written signed consent by the shareholder is required before any nonaffiliated third party may receive loan or share account information. The only exceptions will be required requests by the Internal Revenue Service or FIDM (automated exchange of data Identifying information of non-custodial parent who maintains an account and who owes past due support as identified by the State Department of Human Resources) or other nonaffiliated third parties as permitted by law.

Disclosure Information About Former Members.

If you terminate your membership with New Pilgrim FCU, we will not share information we have collected about you, except as may be permitted by law.

How We Protect Your Information.

We restrict access to nonpublic personal Information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide products or services to you. We maintain the physical, electronic or procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations or guard your nonpublic personal information

What Members Can Do to Help

  • Protect your account number, plastic card numbers, PIN'S (personal identification number) or passwords. Never keep your PIN with your card, which can provide free access to your accounts if your card is lost or stolen.
  • Use caution when disclosing your account numbers, social security numbers etc. to other persons. If someone call you explaining the call in on behalf of the credit union and asks for your account number, you should beware. Official credit union staff will have access to your information and will not need to ask you for it.
  • Keep your information with us current. If your address or phone number changes, please let us know. It is important that we have current information on how to reach you. If we detect potentially fraudulent or unauthorized activity or use of an account, we will attempt to contact you immediately.
  • Each member or joint owner of the account may exercise the “opt out right”. This procedure will prevent any unwanted contacts to the member from a nonaffiliated third party. If a member chooses to “opt out” of disclosure to nonaffiliated third parties, they may request to do so by responding by written notice to New Pilgrim Federal Credit Union.

Let us know if you have any questions. Please do not hesitate to call us - we are here to serve you!

New Pilgrim Federal Credit Union
641 Goldwire Way SW
Birmingham, AL 35211
Phone:(205) 326-3852
Fax:(205) 326-0884



 Links to other websites from our website are provided solely as a member convenience.  We claim no responsibility for, or control over any non NPFCU site, content, or policies.  No endorsement or representation for any non NPFCU site, respective product, service or any additional information is made by NPFCU.



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