Online Banking Access


We Offer The Following Financial Services:
* Internet Banking
* Checking accounts
* Direct Deposit
* Certificates of Deposits
* New and Used Auto Loans
* Money Market Savings

Hours of Operation :                           Mon. - Fri. 9:00 am - 4:00pm

Holiday Closing Schedule:          
 Jan 1  New Years Day
 Jan 18        MLKing Day
 Feb 21  President's Day
 Apr 22  Good Friday
 May 30  Memorial Day
 Jul 4  Independence Day
 Sept 5  Labor Day
 Oct 10  Columbus Day
 Nov 11  Veterans Day
 Nov 24-25  Thanksgiving Day
 Dec 26


Quality service 24/7 with your touch tone telephone.  You can get access to your account information, transfer funds between accounts, confirm account balances,  services whenever   you need it.  Just call audio banking at 1-866-726-1498.   [more...]




VERIFIED BY VISA                                     As our valued customer, New Pilgrim Federal Credit Union is now offering you verified by Visa.  With Verified by Visa, online purchases are authorized with your personal signature. This gives you added security.  Click here to sign up for this security service.



Home About Us Services Rate Information Contact Us How To Join

New Pilgrim Federal Credit Union is an organization designed to meet the basic financial services needs for its membership. As a faith-based institution, our goal is to empower our members with financial services to assist them in the management of their financial resources. Our mission is established with a ministry-based direction, which is aimed at teaching the principles of money management, effective use of lending and long term saving to our members. Our philosophy is scripturally sound and strongly rooted in the principle of economic development and revitalization through self-sufficiency within the community.
You asked for it, You got it!! A Debit Card is safer than cash, and you'll be able to use it for purchases just as you use cash or checks.  Debit cards  are now available.  To sign-up, download a copy of the membership application, complete it and bring it to the credit union, or, just come by the Credit Union. [ more. . .]

Applications Online
Did you know that loan applications, direct deposit, payroll deductions forms, and membership applications are available to you online and can be printed for your convenience?  [more...]
 Reorder Your Checks Online

Valuable Information For YOU!
Calculators to help you determine how much you can afford; new and used vehicle guides; access to your consumer reports, it's all here.  There's even a Kids Zone and a Seniors Corner providing specialized information.  [more. . .] 

The safe, secure and convenient way to  shop and pay bills . . New Pilgrim Federal Credit Union VISA Debit Cards!!

e Statements  
Your account(s) statements are now available on-line! To view your monthly statement log in to online banking

Where morning dawns and evening fades  You call forth Songs of Joy.   Psalm 65:8   Mail from our members.  [more...]

Stewardship Today
Keep Hope Alive.  "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness . . ." [more...]



It is important to safeguard your Visa Debit card, find out how [more. . .]


 Links to other websites from our website are provided solely as a member convenience.  We claim no responsibility for, or control over any non NPFCU site, content, or policies.  No endorsement or representation for any non NPFCU site, respective product, service or any additional information is made by NPFCU.



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